The CD audio tool

Pinnacle Studio 277 audio tool icon   cd The CD audio toolUse this tool to create an audio clip from a CD track. You can preview tracks within the tool, and select either a whole track or an excerpt to add to your movie.

Pinnacle Studio image002 The CD audio tool

If there is a CD in the drive that you have not previously used in a Studio project, Studio will ask you to enter its name before continuing. The controls on the tool will become available only when Studio can offer at least one entry on the CD Title dropdown list.

Select the CD from which you wish to capture audio in the CD Title dropdown list, and a track on that CD from the Track list. Since CD Title is also an editable text field, you can change the name by which Studio refers to this CD, if desired. The name change applies to both the current and future sessions.

Having selected the CD and track, you can now optionally trim the clip and give it a custom name using the other controls on the tool. These controls are common to most audio clip types, and are used for editing as well as creating clips.

Finally, click the Add to Movie button. Studio captures the music clip from the CD drive and adds it to the background music track beginning at the current time index (as shown by the Timeline scrubber and the preview frame in the Player).

The CD audio tool