Launching the Classic Title Editor
Reflecting the versatility of the Classic Title Editor is the variety of ways of accessing it from Studio’s Edit mode, using either one of the tools in the Video toolbox or a mouse command on one of the Timeline tracks.
· To create a full-screen title or menu: Select Go to Classic Title/Menu Editor from the right-button context menu in the main Timeline video track.
· To create a title from the toolbox: Open the Create title tool and click Classic Title Overlay or Full Screen Classic Title.
· To create a disc menu from the toolbox: Open the Create disc menu tool and click Create Menu.
· To edit a full-screen classic title: Double-click the title in any Movie Window view, or right-click the title and select Go to Classic Title/Menu Editor.
· To edit a full-screen menu: Double-click the menu in any view and click the Edit Menu button, or right-click the menu and select Go to Classic Title/Menu Editor.
· To edit an overlay title: Double-click the clip on the title track or in List View, or right-click it in any view and select Go to Classic Title Editor.
· To edit a title or menu from the toolbox: With the clip open in the Clip properties tool, click the Edit Menu or the Edit Classic Title button.